Rules of Conduct for Hot Dog Cart Employees

Vendor cart employees must adhere to the company's dress code and conduct.

Customers must always be treated with courtesy and professionalism, especially by employees.

The Foodservice industry's conduct, hygiene, and dress standards must always conform to the requirements of the local Department of Health.

Foodservice employees must read and adhere to industry standards, which include instructions on how to properly wash their hands, clean equipment, and handle food.

All sales money is put in the cash box at the conclusion of each working day or shift. At the end of each shift, we shall count and document all sales revenues. An inventory of leftover foodstuffs will be taken at this period. Please mention any inconsistencies in writing at this time. Employees will not have access to company cash boxes.

On company time or in the food cart, employees are not allowed to sell any unauthorized products.

Unless authorized by the owner or supervisor, employees will not extend special pricing to friends, relatives, customers, or themselves.

Employees stealing products or money will be terminated immediately and reported to the appropriate authorities.

Employee may lose their jobs if he or she departs from the above guidelines.

The vendor cart employee should read and sign this instruction guide, and the company owner should keep a copy.